Chapel Haven in New Haven

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Registrieren & Geschäft übernehmenChapel Haven Kurse & Weiterbildung
1040 Whalley Avenue
New Haven
Chapel Haven West’s ASAT program empowers adults with Aspersers/Autism to make successful transitions to college and careers.
A satellite of Chapel Haven Schleifer Center, founded nearly 50 years ago in New Haven, Conn., Chapel Haven West draws on the agency’s experience at the forefront of teaching and supporting adults with social and/or learning challenges. The curriculum at Chapel Haven West mirrors the curriculum employed in our Asperger Syndrome Adult Transition (ASAT) program, designed by international experts and designed to help adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism achieve happy, independent lives.
Flexible tuition options also allow our adults to build their perfect supported living program.
The Chapel Haven West program is designed for young adults 18 years of age and older with a diagnosis including:
Asperger Syndrome
Social Communication Disorders
Executive Functioning and Nonverbal Learning Challenges
Mild Autism
Our program is located within proximity to the University of Arizona and yields many benefits, including:
Enrollment of our students in a college-level course in social communication, taught by clinicians in the University’s Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Department under the direction of Chapel Haven West speech-language pathologists. Our enrolled students gain college credit and enjoy the vibrant offerings of a college experience with support from our program.
Chapel Haven students attend classes and have access to university facilities including campus shuttle, student email, the Student Union, libraries, Campus Recreation Center, our fraternity and sorority partnerships and state-of-the-art Disability Resource Center (DRC).